Our Mission: To enhance dignity, independence and the quality of life for patients and loved ones through safe patient handling maneuvers.

A VESTed Interest in You
At JP Healthcare Solutions, we assist caregivers, health care workers, physical therapists and family members implement safer handling maneuvers and minimizing risk factors that can lead to caregiver injuries.
Who We Are
Peggy Cauthen and Cathy Foster are not only the owners of JP Healthcare Solutions but they are also sisters and registered nurses with over 35 years of combined experience in the Healthcare Industry. Their scope of experience ranges from Hospital Settings, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Homecare Services and Nursing Administration. While these practices have been monumental in gaining experience in the healthcare industry, the most gratifying experience they shared was caring for their mother. They understand the special challenges that arise with caring for a patient or loved one in the home. Through that experience, along with their extensive nursing background, their flagship product, the EZ Lift Vest was created.
What Makes Us Different
Our Story…
As nurses, it is very rewarding to care for our patients. There is nothing more satisfying than knowing that you have made someone’s day a little brighter.
Over the years of caring for others, my sister and I thought we were prepared for anything until we became caregivers for our mother. Peggy and I found this experience to be a little different because she was not just a “patient”. She was special, and caring for her was personal because she was our mom. Peggy and I shared the responsibility of caring for mom throughout the year. I cared for her during the spring and summer months in my home in Tennessee, while Peggy cared for her during the fall and winter months in her home in Florida.
Within a brief period of time, it became physically challenging for all of us when it came to repetitive movements like transferring her from the bed to a chair or lifting her from a sitting to a standing position. We were performing these tasks many times throughout the day and realized that we had to find a safer and more secure way to keep her and ourselves injury-free from the frequent lifting, pulling, and tugging.
A Few Sleepless Nights
Although we used proper body mechanics, our greatest concern was the pulling and tugging that was necessary to perform each task. We knew there was the potential of causing bruising, skin tears, or even worse, a shoulder or joint dislocation. My sister and I decided we needed to find a device that was safe, easy to use, and would compensate for our mother’s lack of strength when it came to transferring and lifting maneuvers.
After researching current transfer devices in the market, we found a gait belt and a remote control lift recliner. Unfortunately, we realized these were not suitable options that would sufficiently meet our needs. Out of exhaustion and sheer desperation, we had no other alternative than to create our own.
After sufficient research, time, and facility trials, we created the EZ Lift Vest. We believe your patients and loved ones who are mobility challenged and at risk for unintentional falls will benefit from this easy to use, secure, light weight, durable and comfortable product.
Our Business Name
JP Healthcare Solutions was affectionately chosen by my sister and me to honor the memory of our mother, Julia Pearl.
The EZ Lift Vest is a patented design and has undergone successful feasibility studies in Adult Day Care Centers, Assisted Living Facilities, Rehabilitation Facilities and private home settings.
The EZ Lift Vest is proudly made in the USA. JP Healthcare Solutions Corporate Office is located in Bradenton, FL.
Our Values
JP Healthcare Solutions exists to provide patient and caregiver satisfaction by creating products that assist individuals in leading a productive and fulfilling lifestyle at any age. Our products are innovative, attractive, and comfortable to wear. They offer the ability for manual patient handling maneuvers while decreasing caregiver and employee workplace injuries.
The EZ Lift Vest will provide the assistance and confidence you need as a caregiver, and will also provide the security, comfort, dignity and independence your patient or loved one deserves when performing transfer lift maneuvers the EZ way.
We have a Vested interest in your safety!
Cathy and Peggy